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Article: Which Little Words Project Bracelet Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Which Little Words Project Bracelet Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign

The stars are truly aligning at Little Words Project thanks to our updated Zodiac beaded bracelets! If you know someone who loves showing off their sign, these bracelets are a great way to help them represent in a subtle and stylish way. Our astrological sign bracelets are truly the cutest way to make a gift personal to anyone  you are gifting. If you want to take it a step further, you can give your friends and family the words that go along with their sign, how fun is that?! If you are not knowledgeable about every sign, no worries! Little Words Project has created the perfect stack for each sign! Wearing a Little Words Project beaded Zodiac sign bracelet can be a daily reminder of the strengths and positive qualities your sign, and you, exude. Whether you are star sign obsessed or just enjoy the concept, these beaded bracelets will be an excellent addition to your stack!

If you are an Aries, meaning your birthday falls between March 21 and April 19, we believe you would be our strength or resilience best selling beaded bracelets! Aries are the first sign in the zodiac and carry that energy through their personalities by being bold and brave. They have determination and grit and are not afraid to take chances and work hard! It takes a lot of strength and resilience to be an Aries. 

If you are a Taurus, meaning your birthday falls between April 20 and May 20, we think you would be Family and Love if you were a Little Words Project beaded bracelet. Taurus’ are responsible, patient, reliable, and dedicated… They are definitely the moms of the friend group. Any Taurus in your life would love a stack that includes their sign, Family, and Love beaded bracelets.

If you are a Gemini, meaning your birthday falls between May 21 and June 20, you would be the Be The Change and You Got This Little Words Project bracelets. Geminis are smart and powerful, lending them to being excellent leaders. They are truly motivated and would rock a stack composed of Be The Change, You Got this, and of course, the Gemini zodiac bracelet!

If you are a Cancer, meaning your birthday falls between June 21 and July 22, you would be Breathe and Make Magic. Cancers are sympathetic and persuasive; and very in touch with their emotions. They are great with people and are definitely the friend reminding you to take a deep breath when you need one. Any Cancer will achieve great things wearing Make Magic, Breath, and their sign’s beaded bracelet.

If you are a Leo, meaning your birthday falls between July 23 and August 22, you would be F*ck It and Sunshine as Little Words Project beaded bracelets! Leos are passionate, hilarious, and warm-hearted. They love having fun and being themselves - they do not care what people think. Any Leo would feel like a star in their F*ck It, Sunshine, and Leo stack!

If you are a Virgo, meaning your birthday falls between August 23 and September 22, you would be Keep Going and Be a Light as Little Words Project bracelets. Virgos are hardworking, practical, and very loyal. They are a light to their friends because they can always be relied on and can always be counted on to keep going when times are tough.  Get your Virgo friend a stack of these qualities!

If you are a Libra, meaning your birthday falls between September 23 and October 22, you would definitely be Love and Balance. Libras are gracious, incredibly fair, and super sociable. Libras love hanging out with family and friends, while keeping a great balance of work and play in their life. All Libras will love a Love, Balance, and Libra beaded bracelet stack!

If you are a Scorpio, meaning your birthday falls between October 23 and November 21, you would be Badass and Strong AF as LWP bracelets. Scorpios are very powerful and brave and honestly such great friends. Get your Scorpio bestie a stack of Badass, Strong AF, and Scorpio!

If you are a Sagittarius, meaning your birthday falls between November 22 and December 21, you would be Good Vibes and I am Enough as Little Words Project bracelets! These signs are very generous and love being free to do whatever they please. They bring the best vibes. Stack your Sagittarius bestie in Good Vibes, I am Enough, and their sign bracelet!

If you are a Capricorn, meaning your birthday falls between December 22 and January 19, you would be Stay Positive and Fearless as bracelets. Capricorns are very responsible, disciplined, and have a lot of self control. These signs believe in themselves and are not afraid of the challenges life brings. Capricorns would love a Fearless, Stay Positive, Capricorn stack!

If you are an Aquarius, meaning your birthday falls between January 20 and February 18, you would be See The Good and Believe. These signs are very independent, fun, and intellectual. Get this sign a stack of See The Good, Believe and Aquarius to add to their Little Words Project collection!

If you are a Pisces, meaning your birthday falls between February 19 and March 20, you would be Good Energy and Manifest as LWP bracelets! Pisces are gentle, wise, and compassionate and bring wonderful energy to any room. Your Pisces friends will love a stack of Good Energy, Manifest, and their sign’s beaded bracelet.

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